knights of columbus council #2084 

February 2024 Exemplification

Council #2084 February 2024 Exemplification

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In the past when you joined the Knights, the Degree ceremonies were private for the candidates and current Council memebers. A few years ago, Supreme Council changed the ceremony and opened it up to the members, family, and friends.

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Grand Knight Kevin Norton Presiding

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Juan Salazar, PGk and FDD gives the lesson on Charity 

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Deputy Grand Knight Stewart Smith gives the lesson on Unity

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Warden John Taylor distributes fibers to the Candidates 

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Daniel Rivera, Brian Murray, William Rumney, and Sam Hogan break the fibers during the lesson on Unity

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District Deputy and PGK Michael Karpus gives the lesson on Fratenity

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New Members and Brother Knights Make Their Promises

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PGK and FDD Juan Salazar Invokes the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Daniel Rivera is Invested with the Rosary

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Brian Murray is Invested with the Rosary

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William Rumney is Invested with the Rosary

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Sam Hogan is invested with the Rosary

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Candidates are Invested with the Emblem of our Order

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Candidates Invested with the Emblem of our Order

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Candidates-after-being Invested

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Fellow Knights welcome the new brothers

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Members of Council 8564 With their New Brother Sam Hogan, Council 2084 Grand Knight Kevin Norton, and Fr. James Wyse Chapain of 2084

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Members of Council 8564 With their New Brother Sam Hogan, Council 2084 Grand Knight Kevin Norton, and Fr. James Wyse Chapain of 2084