knights of columbus council #2084 

More photo's of Council #2084 Functions

Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee

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From left to right, St. Charles sixth-grader Lainy Stoddard, St. Charles principal Margaret Karpus, St. Charles fifth-grader Marissa Lyon, and Council 2084 Grand Knight Michael Karpus at the Essexville Knights of Columbus Hall before the start of the Knights of Columbus State Spelling Bee championship on Saturday, March 12. The two girls finished first and second in the local council bee’s 4th through 6th grade division, then finished first and second in the Grand Rapids diocese bee, earning their way to the state event. At the championship, Lainy finished 10th and Marissa placed fifth in the state. Congratulations to these highly intelligent young ladies.

Tootsie Roll  Check presented to Camp Optimist

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Check for $ 942.81 was given to Camp Optimist during the September Council meeting.  This Check was the proceeds from the Spring drive.  The October 2023 drive will have another check for them when the State Council sends it to us.  Thank you for all your help.

Knights Donate for Chairs

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Grand Knight Mike Karpus presents a $500 check from K of C St. Charles Council 2084 to Fr. Jim Wyse to help the parish purchase new chairs for the St. Charles Activities Building. The chairs were first used at the March 11 fish fry.

RSVP (Refund Support Vocations Program)

In the last six years, Council #2084 has donated over $6,000 to the support of our Seminarians from St. Charles and St. Joseph.

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Knights of Columbus food for families

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This Fraternal year, Council #2084 was recognized for it's support of trying to end hunger thru food donations to local food pantries.  With help from St. Charles parishioners, the Council was able to donate serveral hundred pounds of food to a local pantry.  We wish to thank all who helped and we will try to do it again this year.