knights of columbus council #2084 

Pie Sales

Council #2084 Makes Pies

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The Council makes Pies every year to help support their Charitable works.

Due to Covid-19, the Council was unable to conduct Pies sales during the last three years. We were able to and we did in March of 2022.  If you would like to help next year, use the "Contact" tab above and let us know.  We will get back to you with the information you need.

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Here are Robert and Mike having fun. 

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Hi Mike!!  (Mike is the Grand Knight of the Council)

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Regular assembly line!

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John hard at work!

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Tony and Erin playing in the dough!

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The Council makes Apple, Cherry, and Blueberry Pies.

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You do not have to be a Knight to help.

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Ralph having a donut.  The Council made $938.47 profit this year to help with the Charitable work they do.  Thanks for your support by buying the pies.